LOOK: Masungi Georeserve uncovers drilling operations in its limestone formations
LOOK: Masungi Georeserve uncovers drilling operations in its limestone formations
LOOK: Masungi Georeserve uncovers drilling operations in its limestone formations
by Christhel Cuazon13 February 2024
Photo courtesy: Masungi Georeserve Facebook page

The Masungi Georeserve Foundation on Monday uncovered multiple drilling operations by the Rizal Wind Energy Corporation in its pristine limestone formation.

In a Facebook post, the foundation said that upon closer inspection of the images taken in late 2023, it has brought to light the unsettling authorization of the Masungi Karst Conservation Area's (Tanay side) exploration for constructing approximately 12 colossal wind turbines.

"This development entails widespread road construction and raises significant concerns for local wildlife, particularly threatening birds and bat populations," the post read.

Citing the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order 33-1993, which prohibits applications for industrial or commercial uses of the area, and in blatant disregard of the Masungi Karst Conservation Area's designation in its own management plan as a strict protection zone, the foundation said the recent actions of the corporation, which is backed by Singapore-based Vena Energy, "marks a disturbing violation."
"Claims by the company of operating within a “Multi-purpose Zone” of the Unnamed PP1636 National Park is not an excuse, as this designation, even if true, starkly contradicts existing scientific research, demanding immediate correction..." the post read.
"It is unclear whether RWEC secured an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the drillings, a prerequisite for such operations, particularly in ecologically sensitive zones like Masungi. This further underscores the gravity of this oversight," it added.
The Masungi Georeserve Foundation stressed that the incident not only poses a severe risk to our invaluable biodiversity but also highlights the problematic aspects of transitioning to renewable energy sources without due consideration for environmental integrity.
"To date, despite our communication of facts to RWEC executives, the company has NOT signified any intention to find an alternative site for their wind farm - declaring the project as already in the "ADVANCED PRE-DEVELOPMENT STAGE."
The foundation invites Filipinos to join its urgent calls to action: Demand the revocation of any permits granted to Rizal Wind Energy Corp. and halt further exploitative practices within the sanctuary.
"Together, we can safeguard the natural treasure of Masungi. Stay engaged as we continue to investigate and expose this emerging challenge to our cherished sanctuary. #SaveMasungi"
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