Ousting attempts merely 'rumors' — Escudero
Ousting attempts merely 'rumors' — Escudero
Ousting attempts merely 'rumors' — Escudero
by Jim Fernandez25 September 2024
Senate President Francis "Chiz" Escudero. Photo courtesy of his Facebook page

Senate President Francis “Chiz” Escudero dismissed ouster plots against him as simply ‘rumors,’ which he refused to comment on.

“In my nine years in the House (of Representatives) and 14 years in the Senate, all of these allegations about a coup are mere rumors until they become reality. So I throw the questions back at you. If it is not reality at this point in time, then it is a rumor,” the senator told reporters.

“And I don’t comment on rumors because at the end of the day, I will be quoted reacting to a rumor that has no basis of origin really that you can point to,” he continued.

Who leads the upper chamber is determined by a majority, which the seasoned lawmaker recognized.


“It is a known fact and understood fact by all. It’s not a question of securing, it’s a question of simply doing your job on a daily basis until and while you enjoy the confidence of the majority,” Escudero stated.

Among those rumored to unseat Escudero are Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada, Senators Loren Legarda and Cynthia Villar, although each have denied involvement with such a plot.

Escudero took the Senate reins, passed down by former President Migz Zubiri. He has been praised by House Speaker Martin Romualdez for making a “more dynamic institution” of the upper chamber.

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